

i ) World Education Projects

World Education Inc. has a mission of educating the society about AIDS. Their famous vision which is "ENGAGE,EDUCATE,INSPIRE". This project brings about 50 years of domestic and global leadership to fight against HIV and AIDS. This organisation hold onto seven philosophies in helping to prevent HIV. 


ii ) UNAIDS 

UNAIDS is also known as Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS. Many organisations all over the world (Eastern and Southern Africa,West and Central Africa,Asia and Pacific,Caribbean,Eastern Europe and Central Asia,Latin America,Middle East and North Africa,many more) have combined together in helping to prevent the trasmission of HIV. As for 2011,the commited staffs and volunteers working in this organisation have set targets to be achieve which includes reducing sexual transmission,preventing HIV among drug users,eliminating new HIV infections among children,15 million accessing treatment,strengthening HIV integration.  

According to research,it has shown a huge improvement of the death rates due to AIDS from the year 2005 to 2010

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The main message of UNAIDS. 

Watch the video below and see the commitments of the people in helping to prevent AIDS and making the world a better place. Be inspired! Together,we can make a difference.

iii ) Keep A Child Alive

This organisation has a mission to provide treatment,love and support to families affected by HIV. Their mission is to provide more than just pills to fight HIV. Their main goal is to provide essential nutrition,shelter,support and educate the society and also the people affected by HIV. Keep Child Alive (KCA) just wants to make a difference for those people. Just like everyone needs a friend to lean on,KCA believes that everyone can do something to help save a life and KCA offers the people a shoulder to lean on and a heart that beats for them. They believe that even with a minimal amount can help change ones life. 

Visit for further informations.

You can make a difference! 
"Living may be extended another day"

KCA has also organized various fundraising activities to provide a better life for those children affected by HIV and upcoming one is called the 2012 AIDS Walk New York to raise more funds.

iv ) ICASO

ICASO is also known as International Council of AIDS Service Organizations. This organisation has the mission of supporting communities to build an effective response to HIV and creating advocacy entry points for strengthening responses to HIV/AIDS.

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