
The three main transmission of this virus is through sexual contact,exposing yourself to infected body fluids or tissues,and the transmission from a mother to the foetus or child during pregnancy period. It is also possible to find HIV in saliva,tears and urine of infected area. However, there were no records of cases of AIDS by these secretions.

Male condoms

i ) Sexual contact

The majority of HIV infections are due to the unprotected sex between partners,whom one has already been affected by HIV. Therefore,during a sexual act, one can reduce the risk of being affected by HIV or any other diseases such as Syphilis and many more is by using a male or a female condom.

  The male latex condoms which are correctly used without any oil-based lubricant is the MOST effective technology and convenient one to reduce sexual transmission of HIV. Reasons why that oil-based lubricant condoms like petroleum jelly and lard is because they dissolve latex and causing the condoms used to be porous. Which more likely could be said that the condoms used will not be safe. Besides that,female condoms which are mostly made out of polyurethane, nitrile and latex are actually larger in size compared to the male ones.

Above diagram showing the prevention of the entering of  infected body fluids

Female condoms
Not only that, trials have also shown that the male circumcision lowers down the risk of HIV infection. Studies have also shown that females who have undergone the process called Female Genital Cutting (FGC) may also lower down the risk of infected by HIV.


ii ) Body Fluid Exposure

The exposure to contaminated blood is also one of the ways of transmission of HIV. So,the health workers working in places like hospitals especially should take precautions to reduce the risk of being exposed to contaminated blood that will lead to HIV. For example,one can definitely use gloves,masks,protective eyeware or shields or aprons which prevent the exposure of the skin or mucous membranes to blood borne pathogens. Thorough washing off the skin after being contaminated may also reduce the risk. Objects like needles and scalpels which are widely used in the medical field should also be disposed carefully

 iii ) Mother-to-child

As for these situations,HIV-infected mothers are strictly advised that they should avoid breast-feeding their infant.

Research has found ways to prevent HIV transmission in breastfeeding. Try watching the video below for further informations.


Supplements & Vitamins

  Certainly,there are also ways to improve an infected person's health by consuming supplements and vitamins. In research,it is shown that many people living with HIV (HIV+) need more nutrients to help heal the cells which are damaged and support the immune system. This is not a way to prevent the transmission of HIV but it is definitely a good way to improve ones health even  with HIV+. Getting just enough micronutrients is important especially for HIV infected people as they have poor absorption of nutrients,changes in metabolism,poor appetite and so on.

  Therefore,the intake of micronutrients like vitamin A,vitamin E,selenium,zinc and B complex vitamins are vital to a HIV patient because the low vitamin levels will lead to cases which also includes death. This also means balanced diet is definitely very important for a HIV infected person.